What RailSaverPRO stands for
From now, you'll see more and more this icons. They represent graphically RailSaverPRO board rail protection values:
- Impact Resistant. Our lenticular PVC offers high impact resistant to both paddle bladde impacts and impact of the board on the ground.
- AntiScratch: Our material won't even notice the regular scratching from your carbon paddle blade. The same with your rail on the sand.
- Easy Installation: The lenticular pattern, allows for super-easy installation, because we know that applying big sticking materials can terrify some of you. We developed a fool-proof installation.
- Hydrodynamic: Yes, our rough material minimizes drag. We could even say it makes you faster ... but we won't.
- Design, development AND manufacture in Barcelona: It's cool to design in a cool city, but we also develop and manufacture here. Beat that!!!
- Waterproof: you can even use our rail savers to cover damaged areas in your board.