How I got hooked on surfing photography | Roberto Silverio

A photo story about surging in Liguria, Italy by Roberto Silverio. Sit back and enjoy: 

From the moment I got the chance to have a camera in my hands my passion for taking pictures was born and it never left my mind. Throughout the years I never had a lot of time to dedicate to photography as much as I wanted, although I have decided to make time for it.  

I mostly enjoyed  photographing motorsports. Thanks to my daughter I also discovered a passion for shooting classical ballet. 

I have always had a very strong connection with the seaside, it’s like a magnet for me, I’m drawn to it. I often go to the coast to watch the waves’ ebb and flow on the shore. So I started photographing them to capture their magnetism. 

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One day I was with a friend in Varazze, a beautiful seaside town on Liguria’s coast. I had no idea it was a surfer’s hotspot and for pure fate we were there right when the sea was perfectly agitated for surfing. There were surfers everywhere around us on the beach and in the sea. I had my camera with me so I took some photos, and I had so much fun looking at all these guys jumping and twisting and going mad of joy riding the waves, the same beautiful waves I loved.

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Needless to say I was hooked by this new discovery. 

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Through time I got to know amazing surfers and become friends with them. One of which is the great Federico Piccinaglia, who calls me as soon as the waves are showing for a nice photo session.

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I could photograph surfers for endless hours. It’s a beautiful microcosm, just nature, the sea and emotions.

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