Terms & Conditions
In compliance with Law 34/2002 relating to Information Society and E-Commerce services, the following information is made available:
Web Master:
Unitransfer Marking Systems, S.L. (Uni)
VAT Number B63046486
Company Registration Details:
Registered with the Barcelona Registry Office under Book 35508, Folio 157, Page number B-270214, General section, Registration 1.
General conditions of use for this Website
These general conditions regulate the use of ''www.railsaverpro.com'' (hereinafter, ''Website'') managed by Unitransfer Marking Systems, S. L. (hereinafter, ''UNI''), which you may access as a user (hereinafter, the ''User''). The use of the Website means that you expressly and unreservedly accept the general conditions in force each time that you access the Website. Therefore, if you do not agree with these general conditions, you must not access this Website. UNI reserves the right to modify at any time these General Conditions of Use of the Web Page, as well as any other general or specific conditions, usage regulations, instructions or notices, as applicable. Likewise, UNI reserves the right to suspend, interrupt or cease to operate the Website at any time.
Through the Website, UNI provides Users with access to various contents, information and data (the ''Content''), which are made available to the UNI's Users or by third party services and content providers. UNI reserves the right to modify at any time the presentation (including the ''look-and-feel''), configuration and location of the Website, as well as its Contents and the required conditions of use. In the Content area there is an area restricted to Users who have previously registered (hereinafter, 'Registered Users''), and their access and use is subject to the conditions set out in section 3 of this document.
2.1. Access and use of the Website. The User acknowledges and accepts that the access and use of the Website and/or its Contents therein included, is to be made freely, at their sole responsibility. Access to the Website and/or its Contents therein included does not imply any kind of guarantee with regards to the suitability of the Website and/or Content therein included, for particular or specific use by the Users. UNI may establish limitations and/or additional conditions for the use of and/or access to the Website and/or its Contents, all of which shall be observed by the Users in any case.
2.2. Authorised use of the Website and/or its Contents. The User agrees to make adequate and lawful use of the Website and its Content, respecting the legislation in force and applicable at the time. The User shall also respect these General Conditions and generally accepted morality and respectability, and public order. The User shall refrain from (a) making unauthorised or fraudulent use of the Website and/or its Contents; (b) accessing or trying to access the Website's restricted resources or areas without having fulfilled the requisites established for that access; (c) using the Website and/or its Contents for unlawful or illegal ends or for any purposes that are contrary to what is established in these General Conditions or to good faith, customs or public order, in any way harmful to the rights and interests of third parties or that could damage in any way or hinder or prevent the normal use or enjoyment of the Website and/or its Contents; (d) causing damage to physical or logical systems of UNI, its providers or third parties; (e) introducing or spreading computer viruses through the net or in any other physical or logical systems, liable to cause damage in the physical or logical systems of UNI, its providers or third parties; (f) trying to access, use and/or manipulate UNI, third party providers and user data; (g) reproducing, copying, distributing, permitting public access by any means of public communication, transforming or modifying its Contents, unless authorisation for the corresponding rights has been given by the owner or it is legally permitted; (h) suppressing, hiding or manipulating annotations on the industrial or intellectual property rights and any other data that identifies the rights of UNI or third parties, incorporated into its Contents, as well as safety measures and technical elements or other information mechanisms that may have been inserted into its Contents; (i) obtaining or trying to obtain its Contents by use of means or procedures other than, as the case may be, those expressly indicated or that have been displayed on the webpages where these Contents have been published or, in general, other than those normally used on the Internet and do not pose any risk of damage or rendering inoperative the Web Site and/or its Contents.
2.3. Introduction of Links. Those Users who wish to establish a link between their website and UNI's Website (hereinafter, the ''Link'') must previously obtain authorisation from UNI, submitting a request to the following e-mail address: info@uniracing.es, said link being subject to the following obligations: (a) the link must only permit access to the Website, it may not reproduce it in any way; (b) links may not be established with pages other than UNI's homepage (hereinafter, the ''Homepage''); (c) it is not permitted to create a frame or a border environment on the Website; (d) it is not permitted to make false, inexact or incorrect declarations or indications about the Website; (e) it is not permitted to state or insinuate that UNI has supervised or assumed in any way the contents or services offered or advertised on the website that establishes the link; f) the website on which the link is established must not contain any brand, trade name, logo, denomination, slogan or other distinctive signs pertaining to UNI and/or third parties, without their authorisation; (g) the website on which the link is established must not contain illicit information, contrary to generally accepted moral standards and public order, or contrary to the rights of any third parties. The establishment of the link does not in any case whatsoever indicate the existence of any relation between UNI and the owner and/or operator of the website that establishes the link, nor does it imply UNI's knowledge, acceptance and/or approval of the contents and/or services of said owner and/or operator's website. Under no circumstances shall UNI be liable for the consequences that might arise form the introduction of links by third parties, nor the content, information and/or services offered on the websites on which the link is established.
The User recognises and accepts that all industrial and intellectual property rights related to the Contents and/or any other elements on the Website (including, with no limitation, brands, logos, trade names, texts, images, graphics, designs, sounds, databases, software, flow charts, presentation, ''look and feel'', audio and video) belong to UNI and/or third parties. In no case shall access to the Website imply any type, neither total nor partial, of renunciation, transmission, granting of licence of said rights, unless the contrary is expressly established . The General Conditions of Use of the Website do not give Users any other right to use, alter, exploit, reproduce, distribute or communicate the Website and/or its Contents publicly in any way different to those expressly stated here. Any other use or exploitation of any rights shall be subject to prior, express authorisation specifically granted to that effect by UNI, or a third party that owns the rights in question.
UNI authorises Users to use, look at on-screen, print, download and store Contents and/or elements on the Website exclusively for personal, private and non-profit use; on the condition that in each case the origin and/or author of the Contents appears, along with any pertaining copyright symbol and/or note on industrial property and its owners. It is strictly forbidden to use said elements, or reproduce them, communicate them and/or distribute them for commercial or lucrative purposes. It is also strictly forbidden to modify said elements, make any alteration or rearrange them. For any other use except those expressly permitted, it shall be necessary to obtain the previous written consent by the owner of the rights of the element in question.
The User recognises and accepts that UNI shall be able to use cookies when a User surfs its Website. The UNI cookies are associated solely with an anonymous User and his/her computer and shall not provide references that permit the deduction of the User's personal data. The User shall be able to configure his/her browser in order to notify the User of and reject the installation of cookies sent by UNI, without preventing the User from accessing the Website Contents.
5.1. Exclusion of guarantees and responsibility for the correct operation of the Website. UNI does not guarantee the availability and continuity of correct operation of the Website or those other Websites with which it has established a link. In addition, UNI is in no case liable for any damages that may be derived from (a) lack of availability or accessibility to the UNI Website, or to those sites with which UNI has established a link; (b) the interruption of the operation of the Website or computer faults, telephone breakdowns, disconnections, delays or blocks caused by deficiencies or overloads of telephone lines, in the Internet system or in other electronic systems that occur when the Website is operating; (c) if the Website does not satisfy the Users' specific needs, and (d) other damage that may be caused by third parties who undertake non-authorised actions that are beyond UNI's control.
In order to reduce the risk of viruses on the Website UNI employs virus scan software programmes to control all Contents that are entered into the Website. Nevertheless, UNI cannot guarantee the absence of all viruses nor other elements that may have been introduced into the Website by third parties that are not related to UNI, and which may cause problems in the physical or logical systems of Users or in electronic documents and files that are stored in their systems. Consequently, UNI shall in no case be liable for any damage of any kind that is derived from the presence of a virus or other elements that may cause problems in Users' physical or logical systems, electronic documents or files.
UNI has adopted several protective measures to protect the Website and its Contents against attacks by third parties. Nevertheless, UNI cannot guarantee that non-authorised third parties cannot gain access to the type of use of the Website that the User makes, or the conditions, characteristics and circumstances in which they carry out said use. Consequently, UNI shall in no case be liable for damages incurred by said non-authorised access.
5.2 Exclusion of guarantees and liability for the use of UNI's Website. UNI shall in no case be liable for the use made by Users and/or third parties of the Website or its Contents, nor for the damages that may result from said use.
5.3 Exclusion of guarantees and liability due to Contents. UNI does not edit the Contents of third parties published on the Website and consequently it does not guarantee, nor is it responsible for the licit nature, reliability, usefulness, veracity, exactness, exhaustiveness and current relevance of Contents placed by third parties. UNI shall in no case be liable for any damage that may arise from (a) the lack of licit nature, reliability, usefulness, veracity, exactness, exhaustiveness and current relevance of Contents placed by third parties; (b) the inappropriateness for any particular purpose, and non-fulfilment of expectations generated by the Contents; (c) decisions or actions taken or avoided by the User as a result of the information or data facilitated or provided in the Contents, including, loss of profit, of whatever amount, or business opportunity.
5.4 Exclusion of guarantees and liability for links The Website places at the disposal of Users technical devices used for links, directories and search tools that allow Users to access pages and/or websites that belong to or are managed by third parties. UNI checks existing Contents of said pages at the time the link is established and does so in the belief and good faith that such Contents are in compliance with applicable legislation. Nevertheless, in no case is UNI liable for, nor does UNI approve nor recognise as its own the products, services, Contents, information, data, files and any kind of existent materials on said web pages and does not control and is not liable for, nor does it approve or claim as its own any subsequent modifications of said materials. In the case that it deems it advisable or if it is requested by a legal or administrative order, UNI shall remove links to those web pages that infringe applicable legislation and/or affect third parties' rights.
UNI reserves the right to take whatever action it has at its disposal by law to demand responsibilities for non-fulfilment by the User of any of these General Conditions of Use of UNI's Website.
The declaration that any of these general conditions are null and void shall not affect the validity or effectiveness of the remaining conditions, which shall still be binding. The renouncement by any party to demand at any given time the fulfilment of any of the general conditions stipulated herein shall not imply a general renouncement of the fulfilment of another condition or other conditions, nor shall it give the other party any more rights.
The rendering of the Website service and the general conditions described herein are governed by Spanish law. In accordance with the law, the parties expressly renounce any other local or regional law that may correspond to them, agreeing to submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Barcelona.
Data Protection Clause
Unitransfer Marking Systems, S. L. guarantees the safety and confidentiality of the data provided by the User. In compliance with Organic Law 15/1999 of 13th December, regarding the Protection of Information of a Personal Nature, the Users are hereby informed that their data shall be included to an automated file owned by Unitransfer Marking Systems, S. L. The purpose of this file is to maintain a commercial relationship with our clients, as well as sending out publicity related to the commercialised products and services.
The User shall be able to exercise their rights to access, rectification and cancellation of their personal data, in accordance with the current legislation, by sending a written document to info@railsaverpro.com