A Holidays Gift Guide for River Surfers
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River surfers are one of the most passionate groups worldwide. Having the passion to surf, but living land locked, far from the ocean builds true passion, love for the sport.
So, what to gift to a river surfer enthusiast?
We have you covered with 2 great ideas under 60:

HexaTraction board grip&traction
Innovative, clear and temperature independent traction alternative to wax and pads
58EUR / 69USD / 51GBP / 90AUD
Product link: https://www.rspro.org/products/hexatraction-board-grip
Perfect for river surfers that usually surf in cold conditions when wax doesn't work so well. Add to this that HexaTraction does not only doesn't ruin the look of a surfboard, but improves it, and you have the perfect gift.
Surf rail saver
Rail protection for surf boards
30EUR / 35USD / 26GBP / 46AUD
Product link: https://www.rspro.org/products/surf-rspro
River surfing is definitely harder on surfboard rails than traditional surfing. With the clear matt RSPro surf rail saver you will save your rails for much longer