RSPro supports the 6th Tarifa Open SUP&Surf

RSPro Admin

RSPro is happy to support the sixth edition of the Tarifa Open SUP&Surf which will take place on the best weekend of Waves in Tarifa between October 2017 and early march 2018.

We'll give you more info as soon as we get it.

For the moment, enjoy a few sick pics: 

RSPro and HexaTraction supports de 6 Tarifa Open SUP Surf

RSPro and HexaTraction supports de 6 Tarifa Open SUP Surf

RSPro and HexaTraction supports de 6 Tarifa Open SUP Surf 3

RSPro and HexaTraction supports de 6 Tarifa Open SUP Surf 4

RSPro and HexaTraction supports de 6 Tarifa Open SUP Surf 5

Photos by: @yuriquilez

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