SUP surfing need to reframe

Guest blog from Carles Carrera

I'm saddened by the current state of SUP surfing, or the lack of it.

The constant over-promises and under-deliveries of SUP Tours is dramatic and we're lost until the WSL or equivalent gets it under their umbrella. Something that won't happen with the current shape of the sport: it's fat and slow ;-(

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The lack of free SUP surfing videos is also worrying. Even more than the lack of a pro tour, because videos online, like it or not, are what drives today's culture. And we all are to blame on this.

The industry is pointing toward other disciplines that sell more now, but we all know the origin of the sport is in surfing waves and if we make SUP surfing cool again, we'll all benefit from what we love apart of regaining the respect.

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We (brands, athletes, and individuals) must work to put SUP surfing back where it deserves. SUP Surfing needs a reset, needs to inspire and needs to grow from its ashes. We have to promote stuff, videos and photos surfers will love, not hate. We're are surfers. And we must communicate the art of surfing. Surfing with the benefit of having a paddle.

Nothing against racing, touring, inflatables, or yoga. Just passion for SUP surfing.

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