Why the Surf Ding Patch is a better alternative to existing solutions

RSPro Admin

At RSPro we always develop products to outperform whats existing in the market and that we can make at our factory in Barcelona. If we can't, we don't launch the product. We failed to launch dozens of products from 2010. 

The RSPro interpretation of the ding patch was asked by one of our main distributors and here are our main benefits from the competition: 

  • They work on any surface thanks to the fine tuned adhesive. We create the DNA of all our products from the ground up. Everything from the adhesive to the inks is fine tuned for the real world use. 
  • Completely waterproof. Some other solutions leak water inside making them useless.
  • 6 pre-cut patches ready and easy to apply. Convenience.
  • Rounded corners to avoid peeling.
  • Waterproof and flat packaging to conveniently store them on your wallet or in your surf bag.
  • Fun design.
  • RSPro build quality.

RSPro Surf Ding Patch inside the packaging



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