HexaTraction: Design and manufacturing in Barcelona

RSPro Admin

Ninth post explaining one by one the multiple benefits, and some drawbacks of the HexaTraction RSPro® board grip&traction.

On this one "Design and manufacturing in Barcelona"

 HexaTraction RSPro is designed and manufactured in Barcelona

We're born in Barcelona, we were raised in Barcelona, we studied in Barcelona and we live in Barcelona, so you can imagine we're proud to be able to design and manufacture all RSPro® products in Barcelona.

Barcelona is not an ocean oriented city. We lack that ocean culture other cities of the world have, but it's a multicultural city with great weather all year long, an excellent location and a great source of inspiration and great design.

Barcelona was declared by "Industry week" as one of the world's twelve most successful manufacturing cities . It has emerged as the Mediterranean's most important trading and shipping route centre, with a striking range of industry from the heaviest and lowest tech to the lightest and highest tech. It stands out from the rest, simply because it is best at developing, making, marketing, moving and managing products.

We're great ambassadors of the re-industrialization of Europe, and by not having to produce far east, we contribute to reduce our carbon footprint. 

Main benefits of the HexaTraction RSPro board grip and traction


Added Benefits:

  • Don't lose time waxing. Go to the water. 


  • Forget about strawberry, banana or coconut scent. Pads protect better the board deck from heel dents. Bigger upfront investment on surfboards. No pro-riders are using it (for the moment).


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