"Going waxless will change your surfing life" by Millerslocal
Elisabet PiñolShare
From Millerlocal's blog we've learned a new Afrikaan word: "Gatvol" which means "being fed up", and that was how they were feeling about wax.
"I am absolutely and truly converted to a wax-free surfing life" she comments on their post called "RSPRO - this stuff works!"
Six months after applying Hexatracction and Front deck Grip they write to explain that the stuff is still rocking as they did the first day.
Hexatracction has overcome their expectations: It adapts to water temperature changes, doesn't rash your chest, super grippy and no hassle.
But that's not the only product that they loved. "Indo's tropical reefs are a tad carnivorous, so it's easy to get rail dings on your boards. I'd seen the rail tape that RSPro was selling and decided to try some of that out too. [...] the rail tape definitely protected his board from the usual bumps and dings. Also great for when you transporting your board from surf to beach in the dingy."
Want to read the whole article? Don't miss a thing here!
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